

Socio economic development depends strongly on a steady access to resources. We believe that facilitating global trade in commodities, energy and other vital sector products of the global economy contributes tangibly and in a socially responsible manner towards making life better for fellow humans, wherever they are in the world.

CHUITATU advise and orchestrate transactions in very different social, cultural and political contexts.

Our guiding values and principles underpinning our relationships with key stakeholders, companies and people working for or with us, are based on a stringent Code of Conduct. This has resulted in the strong trust in the CHUITATU professional network of advisers and our capacity to initiate, orchestrate, manage, negotiate and deliver an exceptional quality of service. Our outlook is that of a family office. Discretion, stability, growth and a multigenerational approach are key concepts underpinning our vision and code of conduct.

The Chuitatu Code of Conduct is simple and transparent:

It upholds the highest rules of Legality, Health & Safety, HumanRights, Integrity & professionalism, Fair competition, Business transparency, Safeguarding of assets, Prevention of conflicts of interest, Confidentiality and non-disclosure, Data Protection, Social & Environmental responsibility and Equal Opportunities.

The reputation of our tailor-made value-added consulting services, and the large trades and/or partnerships that may result, is founded on our trusted access to the currently active pool of international VIP decisionmakers in different sectors of the global economy.

It is people who make business happen and make large international transactions succeed. That’s what we are good at: access to decisionmakers. We match supply to demand, and manage large trades from end to end, including access to finance when necessary.

Finally successful business transactions are based on clear transparent contractual frameworks. Chuitatu works closely with an experienced law firm Mosole Avvovati and its founder who is our Chuitatu ltd Legal Counsel.




On behalf of the Board of Directors and shareholders, I would like to say that CHUITATU and its future success depends on generating and maintaining profitable client demand for our type of services and solutions.

Delivering a good service to our clients is also dependent on our capacity to respond to the evolving technological, legal, financial, transport, environmental and political context related to our marketplace and clients. Uncertain economic and political conditions and the effects of these conditions on our clients’ businesses and levels of business activity means that the value of our skill set, and personal contact roaster, will make the difference between success and failure in large complex transactions we are able to develop for you. This is where we will make the real difference, because we only deal with decisionmakers.

To ensure success, we intend to keep our supply of skills and resources in balance with the existing client demand around the world. We aim to attract and retain professionals with strong leadership skills, work ethic and a stay hungry, proactive and lateral thinking attitude. Nothing is impossible if there is a strong team will to succeed and if we lead by example. The markets in which we operate are highly competitive. This is why we are able to compete effectively.

We intend to successfully manage and develop our relationships with key alliance partners. We will never fail to anticipate and establish new alliances in new technologies and sectors making sustainability part of everything we do at CHUITATU.

I am also personally engaged and commited to building a greener and healthier world. A lifetime in the field of diplomacy has taught me the benefits of working together and learning from each other. Better solutions are found when businesses, governments, civil society and other key stakeholders partner to contribute to a respectful circular economy based on good trade practices.

One key tool to achieve this is to empower people. And one key solution to empower people is to facilitate access to vital energy products and commodities and related services. This is one good reason to strive for success at CHUITATU. In turn, success will continue to create value for all stakeholders that work and partner with us.

We thank you for your trust.

Dr. Cav. Aldo Manos
Hon. Chairman
Chuitatu Family Office